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So far, all we've talked about were abstract concepts, such as the schema defining GraphQL constructs and client queries with fields that the response should contain. But how the backend goes from receiving the query and producing the response? Where does the data comes from? This is what the resolvers are for.

Resolvers provide the response to client queries

For example, the schema might define a user query that returns a User object:

# schema
type User {
  username: String!
  email: String
  bio: String

type Query {
  user(username: String!): User

Then the client sends a request with a query for a user:

# query
query MyQuery {
  user(username: "user1") {

What database query to send to retrieve this user object?

Of course, this is highly dependent on the architecture. Users might be stored in an SQL database, so fetching the one with the given username needs an SQL statement. Or they might be in DynamoDB, a common choice in AWS, and that needs a signed HTTPS request. Or a user directory, or an external system.

Resolvers define the mechanism that connect to the data sources behind the GraphQL API, such as databases, and provide the values for the queries. In practice, most of the time spent working on a GraphQL backend is spent writing resolvers.

How to write resolvers, such as the language they are written in, is highly dependent on the specific GraphQL server you are using. For example, GraphQL.js uses JavaScript, and AWS AppSync uses a constrained version of JavaScript as the primary way.

In this chapter, we'll focus on the general concepts of how resolvers work that are the same for all implementations. Then we'll take a detailed look into how AWS AppSync works in the second part of the book.

A resolver provide a value for a field in the response. Fields, as we've covered in the Fields chapter, are both the properties of types (the username of a User type) and the queries or mutations (the user query).


Resolvers provide values for fields.

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