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Simple status updates

Code example

Implementation here.

In this example, the backend provides a query for a door's current state as well as a subscription to the changes:

type Door {
  open: Boolean!
  last_updated: AWSDateTime!

type Subscription {
  door: Door

type Query {
  door: Door!

The door has two fields: open that shows whether it's open or not, and last_updated that tracks when its status last changed. Tracking the last updated time is important: this provides a way for the client to decide which event is more current if it receives conflicting updates.

On the client side, we'll show the status of the door and when it was last changed:

The door box


We'll write a function that returns an RxJs observable and implements the necessary logic to emit only the values the client needs to show.

Its usage is:

  opened: () => setSubscriptionStatus(true),
  closed: () => setSubscriptionStatus(false),
}).subscribe((e) => setDoor(e));

The opened and the closed callbacks are to track the subscription status. Then the subscribe handles new items as they come.

updates function

Diving one layer deeper, the updates function defines how to make a subscription, how to query for the current state, and how to process items:

const updates = (listeners) => updatesToDoor(connection)({
  getAuthorizationHeaders: () => ({
    host: new URL(APIURL).host,
    "x-api-key": APIKEY,
  subscription: {
    query: `subscription MySubscription {
  door {
    variables: {},
    extractItemFromSubscription: (item) =>,
  extractLastUpdated: (item) => new Date(item.last_updated),

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