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Find the implementation here.

It is a best practice to start with the contract between the backend and the frontend when starting building a new app. In the GraphQL world, that means the schema.

The app will show users, posts, and comments, so let's define these types with some fields:

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  avatar: String!
  friends(nextToken: String): PaginatedUsers
  posts(limit: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts

type Post {
  id: ID!
  author: User!
  text: String!
  date: AWSDateTime!
  comments(limit: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedComments!

type Comment {
  id: ID!
  post: Post!
  author: User!
  text: String!
  date: AWSDateTime!


Returning paginated types is a best practice for APIs, as we've discussed in the Pagination chapter. The above types return Paginated* types in place of lists, so let's define those ones next:

type PaginatedUsers {
  users: [User!]!
  nextToken: String

type PaginatedComments {
  comments: [Comment!]!
  nextToken: String

type PaginatedPosts {
  posts: [Post!]!
  nextToken: String

Since we'll be using DynamoDB as the database, the schema defines a cursor-based pagination scheme. Here, there is a nextToken both as an input and an output for all paginated fields.


For queries, the clients will need a way to get the current user, as well as any user and post by ID:

type Query {
  currentUser: User!
  post(id: ID!): Post
  user(id: ID!): User


Moving on to data changes, this example project implements only two: creating a post and adding a comment:

type Mutation {
  createPost(userId: ID!, text: String!): Post!
  addComment(userId: ID!, postId: ID!, text: String!): Comment!

A real social network would implement a lot more functionality, such as editing and deleting content, make, approve, and reject friend requests, and so on. But for our example, these will be enough.

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