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Access control for subscriptions

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So far we've talked about why access control is important for subscriptions, but we haven't looked into how to implement it. For this, we'll use a simple setup with 3 users in 2 different groups and we'll make sure that each user can only get events from its own group but not from the other group.

Users in groups

For subscription events, we'll use the example from the previous chapter where there is a todo subscription that gets a userId and a groupId argument.

type TodoEvent {
  userId: ID!
  groupId: ID!
  todoId: ID!
  todo: Todo

type Subscription {
  todo(userId: ID, groupId: ID): TodoEvent
  @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["notifyTodo"])

To secure this subscription, we'll need to implement a couple of restrictions:

  • Either the userId or the groupId argument is required
  • The userId must be in the same group as the caller User
  • The groupId must be the caller's group

Everything related to subscriptions is implemented in the response mapping template for the subscription field's resolver. So every code we write will be for the Subscription.todo field.

We'll cover a universal approach based on validating the arguments that works with any filtering method, then we'll see a different way that require enhanced filtering.

Argument validation

The idea behing this access control implementation is to check the arguments the client sent and reject the subscription if it is for events that should not be sent to that client. In our example, if the clients sends a subscription with a different group, then it should be rejected.

For example, let's log in with user1, which is in group1 (the password is Password.1):

Login with user1/Password.1

Then a subscription with groupId: "group2":

subscription MySubscription {
  todo(groupId: "group2") {

The subscription is rejected:

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