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The context contains the input for the template. It is passed to the resolver code as the first argument of the request/response functions. What values are present depends on the GraphQL query, whether it is for a request or a response mapping template, and whether it's a pipeline or a unit resolver.

The reference contains an up-to-date list of the available values in the context. Here, we are going to discuss these values briefly.


The ctx.arguments, or ctx.args for short, contains the arguments for the field being resolved. For example, in this query:

query Query1 {
  user(username: "user1") {
    tickets(after: 1639907490) {

The ctx.args contains a username for the Query.user and an after for the resolver.

Arguments are defined only for the direct resolver of the field


The ctx.source contains the result of the parent field and is only defined for nested fields. The source provides a way to pass data down the object hierarchy until only leaf nodes remain.

For example, the query contains two levels of nesting:

query Query1 {
  user(username: "user1") {
    tickets(after: 1639907490) {

First, the Query.user resolver will run, where the ctx.source is undefined. Then the User.username runs, where the source is the result of the Query.user. The same happens with Then the Ticket.text and the Ticket.created resolvers run, both getting one object from the result of the

Source object in nested resolvers


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